GHAFGA Growing healthy and beautiful communities

Education, Training and Capacity Building

The formation of the association in 2006 was in response, first and foremost, to fill in the knowledge gap and other skills set training in best agronomic practices, safe use of agrochemicals, and promoting standardization along the floricultural industry value chain.

Check our Educational platforms

Growers' Membership Platform

GHAFGA is a unique national association working to making Ghana the regional leader in tropical floricultural industry in West Africa with the view of creating values from the plant world to enhance the well being of humanity while promoting sustainable bio-diversity conservation for succeeding generations.

See Membership

Ghana Flowers Marketplace

Ghana Flower Marketplace is an online tool or platform to connect flower growers to prospective buyers and other stakeholders in the flower industry Ghana in particular and the world at large.

Flower Marketplace

Bringing brightly petals together, brightening every corner

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